Blogmas Day 8
A year of muscle memory makes flooring a room a shockingly pedestrian effort these days. 200ft² room runs about 3 days during the work week and 2 days with no interruptions. But there are pitfalls in efficiency. You see, we have this sensitive dog and he thrives on routine. It normally takes him a day or so just to adjust to one of these room shifts where everything goes somewhere else to create space. With Brie and I effortlessly achieving drift compatibility, it's easy to forget about the sensitive boy and his grumpy grandma sister.
Typically Brie handles snap-in installation while I handle cutting boards to size. This creates a logical flow where I deliver cuts, step away for a couple of minutes to do my job, then swing back to pick up new marked boards on my way outside to cut them. The dogs tend to follow me while I'm moving from station to station and are generally sanguine despite choosing to monitor my work over hitting their normal nap times.
Yesterday I must have spent too much time away from the back deck door (which we leave open during this process) cus when I took Walt out to poop during one of my breaks, I was unable to locate Ramona. I then alerted Brie and we searched the house quickly (Ramona's very good at going to belly right behind a couch or side of the bed) and determined she was not there. She also wasn't in the back yard, of which she had never truly tried to leave the boundaries.
Brie set off into the neighbors' yards in case Ramona had decided to pursue some chickens and I got in the car to patrol the streets. Less than 48 hours earlier I had told Brie that much like Rocket, the stray dog we had helped home this Fall, Ramona is a 'go downhill' dog. If she ever hit the street she would just keep walking cus it was easier than turning around.
I travelled less than 200ft and discovered Ramona in the side bushes b/t our direct neighbor and the next neighbor down. She trotted out of the bushes, across the rain ditch, into the street, and to the car to greet me. She was not concerned or bothered. She was just exploring.
I've now added closing the screen door to my flooring loop.
And as for the dogs today, who couldn't take their naps because monitoring us was too important: I took some time to work in the front room and gave them an excuse to pass out.
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