Q4 Projections and Other Environmental Catastrophes

Brie and I have, from time to time, been accused of being a couple that communicates well with one another. I'm not sure we know how to otherwise interact so this is a very nice compliment that also kinda hangs there, because being labelled as such is similar to being told in middle school that you're gifted or smart. It can set an internal expectation without nuance or quantitative measure. It can color relevant conversations as a sort of metatextual gobo, casting long mental shadows. "If I'm smart, why am I struggling in X? Am I no longer smart? Is something wrong with me?" Such absolute blanket terms can be a hindrance. Same goes for the communication piece. There are dozens of relevant situational communication modes in a relationship, especially with a long-term partner. This came up in a big way as we entered our 10th month of renovation. Brief reminder of the waterlogged albatross that was the converted carport we inherited from the former owners. Removin...