I Got a New Job it Pays $75,000 a year

We've been working very hard to get The Room in order. Our goal for this stage of the project was to have everything ready for Cesar's team to come in and finish the ceiling some time in late August. This will be a picture heavy post as there isn't much narrative here, just steady movement. Here's the visual reminder that the street facing "window" was actually two glass windows stacked on one another nailed to a vertical structure with 3 panes of glass sandwiched inside of it. Terrible for privacy, energy efficiency, and any amount of pride in one's home. I have very few picture of this process b/c it took the two of us two days, multiple battery powered saws, pry bars, hammers, and some interpersonal friction to get this sum-bitch out of the wall. A million bent nails and spider eggs. Preposterous. Once we had our opening we could properly frame in the new wall and also frame in the two voids for the new clerestory windows. We opted for architectural wi...