Letters from Summer Camp

Dear Everyone, We are well. How are you? There are many things to do at Camp Accokeek, I've enclosed pictures of all the fun times we're having. Can't wait for school to start so I can show off my new Michael Jackson Thriller jacket. Anywho, here are the activities we're been participating in. Bridge Building for Beginners With the swale both functionally and aesthetically situated, we were faced with the obvious question, "How does one safely cross such a swale?" Why, I hadn't been faced with such a concave crevasse-ian conundrum since high school where my friend Wyatt and I confronted Map 24 of Doom II "The Chasm" (which we drolly referred to as The Chas-m, using an ecclesiastical 'ch' pronunciation, due to Wyatt's eldest brother being named Chas. We were virgins.). Fortunately in the time it took me to formulate such a needless remembrance, we were the fortunate recipients of two build-it-yourself cedar bridges from Brie's ...