The Adventures of Buckaroo Drywall Across the 8th Dimension
Home renovation has a lot in common with pottery or glassblowing or any number of skills where the creation of interconnected parts is core to the final product. Often times you find yourself needing to clamp on a new piece of wood or screw in a new support bracket that in no way will be part of the final product, but is vital in the moment to ensure that a physical structure has the integrity to last long enough to reach finalization. That brings me to drywall. We've been putting a lot of holes in walls. *** For those of you that watch the videos, you know that we employed a guy named Barry (not to be confused with the man named Kevin) to do some emergency electrical work at the time of move-in to remediate some dangerous choices the previous owner had made including 1) Not having GFCI breakers tied to the kitchen (this allows electrical outlets in the kitchen to function safely even though it's a wet zone) and 2) safely replace an instance where two live wires were twiste...