
This Kid's Too Cool for Fascism

And so we return and begin again. We close out our third year of this blog and this renovation with some major aesthetic and architectural transformations. We've gone through a few cycles of the moon in three years and this blog entry falls during a full moon phase, making this a time of high emotions, a time for celebration, and a time that grants the energy for change. As Jim Valvano said in his speech at the 1993 ESPY's when addressing the key things in life, you need to know "where you started, where you are, and where you’re going to be." Now it may seem that I, a simple caveman, am mis-applying the words of a man months away from succumbing to cancer to scaffold the introduction to a renovation blog...which is exactly what I'm doing. Anywho, here's where we were 3 years ago. The untouched front of house, February 2022. So much of that first year involved basic interior safety upgrades and water solutions for the property that it wasn't until last yea...